When does each mode suit you?


Mode  1

Mode 2

1.      You operate

...from your position

...from your person


2.      Power

...comfortable with it

__shy from it


3.     Conflict

__ back away

__frightened and confused by it 


4.     Innate traits

__just being yourself

__very aware of others


5.     When calm you are

__seen as definitive

__seen as seeking information


6.     People are

__held accountable

__highly accepted


7.     Emphasis on




8.     Self image

__self selects; from internal

__dependent on how others see

9.     Purpose in life:

__to try things out

__to be happy


10.    Intrigue vs. Clarity

__loves intrigue

__loves clarity


11.  Decision-making process

__ loves to decide

__would rather only gather information.


 NOTE how many boxes you checked in each column :

  Mode 1 corresponds to more dog.

 Mode 2 corresponds to more cat.